Data eDiscovery
Browsing History
All browsing history for all devices will be retained for a minimum of 90 days.
Student web history will only be provided by request of the Honor Council, Deans, Division Directors, or Head of School.
Faculty/Staff web history will only be provided by request of a direct supervisor, or the Head of School.
Email and Communications
All email and similar communications (MS Teams) will be retained for a minimum three years even if deleted by the owner. See how data is retained in the Data Retention section.
OIT will only provide copies of electronic communications to the following parties:
- A direct supervisor for a faculty staff member.
- A division director or dean of students for a member of the student body in the same division.
- The head of school for anyone that has an account in the system.
- Court orders and subpoenas must go through the Head of School.