Adobe Creative Cloud for Faculty, Staff, and US Students

Adobe recently changed the way they would like us to distribute their Creative Cloud (CC) software to our end users at DA. Previously, we could create software packages for CC apps (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Acrobat Professional) that could easily be installed through Self Service. With the licensing change, end users must now download and license their software directly from the Adobe CC portal. If your Adobe CC license has expired, or if you want to use the CC software on your DA laptop, please review the following video which explains how the new process works. The process does require administrative rights to your laptop, so if you are a student in the ninth grade and need to have access to Adobe CC apps, please stop by the DA-OIT office in the Hock Center and we will help you (note that it may take 30 minutes or more to install this software, depending on the number of CC apps to be installed).